High Gear SolarPod on Sale

High Gear SolarPod Utilize your electronics in the backcountry with the SolarPod. Charge your SolarPod by daylight or computer USB and power your phone or handheld device with ease! FEATURES: SolarPod is a Chargeable Backup Power Source Charges by Sunlight in 8 Hours Charges by Computer USB in 2 Hours LED Battery Charging Status Monitor Comes with 8 Different Adapters: Widepin: Many Sony / Ericsson Models Round Input: Many Motorola Models Flat: Many Samsung Models 2.5 mm Pin: Many Nokia Models Micro USB: Samsung Motorola Sony Ericsson Mini USB: Blackberry Many Smartphones Including RAZR Female USB: iPhone and iPod Universal Pin: Many Cameras PSP Models High Gear SolarPod

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High Gear SolarPod

High Gear SolarPod

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