Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache Food Storage Bag. Size: L review
Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache Food Storage Bag. Size: L The rodent-proof Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache food storage bag keeps critters from getting into your food. water. first-aid supplies and toiletries while you're camping. Lightweight. flexible stainless-steel mesh bag seals at the top with a sturdy rip-and-stick closure that's simple to operate and doesn't run the risk of breaking like a zipper. Flexible woven stainless-steel mesh lays flat when empty and rolls up into a 2.5 x 18 in. cylinder for convenient storage; won't rust or break down. Clip a carabiner to the 5/16 in. brass grommet to hang the Ratsack Cache out of reach of larger animals; carabiner and rope for hanging are sold separately. Large bag weighs 10.5 oz. and has a 2.500 cu. in. capacity; medium bag weighs 8 oz. and has a 1.800 cu. in. capacity; small bag weighs 6 oz. and has a 1.200 cu. in. capacity. Hold 5 days worth of food for 1 person in the small bag; large bag can hold 24 pouches of 2.5-serving freeze dried food meals. Please note: the Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache food storage bag is not bear proof; hang the bag out of reach of bears whenever possible. Size: L Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache Food Storage Bag. Size: L
Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache Food Storage Bag. Size: L For Shop
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Armored Outdoor Gear Ratsack Cache Food Storage Bag. Size: L
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