#1: Monkey Bars 05001 Camping Gear Rack on Sale

Monkey Bars 05001 Camping Gear Rack The Camping Gear Rack by Monkey Bars is the best way to store your expensive camping equipment off the floor. This rack can hold tents. backpacks. climbing ropes. harnesses. camping chairs. or a bag of hot dog sticks. Installing this rack is easy. The Camping Gear Rack can be installed in just 10 minutes. The rack is powder coated so it won't rust over years of use. All components of the camping rack are made of industrial steel and come with a lifetime warranty. This storage rack can be installed in the garage. shed. closet or shop. Camping storage can now be done with just 4 feet of wall space.Components: 2-single bar brackets. 1-51" Monkey Bar. 2- 3" single hooks. 1-3" double. 1-5" single. 4- 2" wood screws. 4- washers Lifetime Warranty Industrial steel construction Powder coated to provide many years of use Hooks are made of 5 16" round bar and powder coated Dip-coated in polyurethane finish to protect your camping gear equipment while hanging on the rack Camping Gear Rack has a soapstone grey powder coat finish This rack will hide dust and maintain its original appearanceFinish: Grey Powder Coat Material: Steel

Monkey Bars 05001 Camping Gear Rack

Monkey Bars 05001 Camping Gear Rack

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